The body is a marvelous tool, and it’s myriad processes and systems all interlock to create a streamlined machine that is designed to work without any glitches. But as with all machines, the body needs the right kind of fuel to function properly and, when functioning properly, the waste products generated by burning this fuel are flushed out with no problem.
Perhaps once the body was perfectly balanced, and perhaps humanity once lived in a perfectly balanced world, but over the millennia we have become unbalanced; our diets and our ecosystem both becoming overwhelmed with acids and acidic wastes. The problems associated with over acidification are many and varied ranging from fatigue to arthritis to depression and even cancer.
While there is not a lot that can be done about global pollution levels, at least on an individual scale, we can control our diets and what we allow into our bodies. Adhering to an alkaline diet may seem like it takes a lot of effort and energy, but the benefits of going – and staying alkaline far outweighs the inconveniences. There are dozens of reasons to begin an alkaline diet, and it would take a book to list them all, but the top seven reasons to go alkaline and avoid acids have been listed below.
1.) Weight Loss
This is a big one, for who hasn’t had a weight problem at one time or another? And for those who have, what would you have given for a simple, safe and free way to lose weight?
The average western diet and lifestyle is composed of so many acid-producing substances (refined flours, sugars, meat and dairy products) and habits (smoking, alcohol consumption and prescription drug use) that our bodies have become inundated with acid wastes. And acids have a nasty way of eating into and deteriorating healthy muscle, tissues and even organs.
One of the automatic defense mechanisms of the body is to produce fat cells in order to protect our delicate organs from these excess acids. The fat cells’ function is to shuttle these acid wastes away from the organs and store it in less important parts of the body, but as long as there are excess acids in the body, the fat cells will cling to the organs defensively. Once we are able to rid ourselves of these excess acids( through maintaining a high-alkaline diet, proper hydration and exercise) the fat cells are no longer needed and the body releases them from duty, resulting in weight loss.
2.) Increased Energy
The more acids that build up within the body, the less the body’s natural balancing systems can process effectively, and the higher the body’s acid levels become. And the higher the acid levels become, the more alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphates etc) will be leached from the body’s bones, muscles and tissues to make certain that the blood is able to maintain the alkaline levels necessary in order for the body to function. When these sorts of alkaline minerals are removed efficient metabolism is inhibited, resulting in sluggishness and fatigue. The leaching of these kinds of minerals has also been linked to osteoporosis. Once the acid levels are reduced through proper diet and exercise, energy levels will increase.
3.) Alleviate Allergies
An acidic environment overworks the immune system and stimulates the immune system into what is known as “response mode”. The end result of this being that the body develops incredibly heightened sensitivity to all sorts of things; pollens, chemicals etc. This heightened sensitivy we know as allergies. Some of the other ways that the body rids itself of excessive toxins and acidic wastes is through soreness, swelling, eczema and excess mucus, all things that are related to allergies. Once the excess acids have been removed from the body, the allergies and their related symptoms will disappear.
4.) Reverse the Aging Process
Aging is caused by a buildup of acid wastes and the subsequent breakdown of bodily functions. When a body is too acidic a condition called acidosis occurs. Acidosis is, quite simply, the overstressing of oxidation systems and the breakdown of limpids. When this occurs it releases free radicals into the bloodstream. Free radicals are cells that attack cell walls and membranes; killing the cell walls and membranes before finally killing the cells themselves. When this occurs the visible result is wrinkles, poor eyesight, age spots, bad memory, fatigue, dysfunctional hormones; in short – premature aging. By removing these acids you can prevent further damage to your cells and even reverse the breakdown process.
5.) Oxidation
One of the side effects of the build-up of acid wastes is that the body’s cells don’t get enough oxygen and this causes a slowdown in all of the cell’s myriad of functions. Just like the body itself, without enough oxygen cells can die. By eliminating the acids that have been built-up in your body by changing your diet and drinking alkaline water you can re-originate your blood.
6.) Decrease Blood Pressure
When a body is overly acidic the cells begin to slow down their functions (see #5) and the heart has to work all the harder to make up for their sluggishness, this causes high blood pressure. Another side effect of high acidity is the build-up of plaque in the arteries and the decrease of the diameter of the blood vessels – which can also lead to high blood pressure. By removing the acid waste build up from your system you can improve your cell functioning and take some of the pressure off your heart.
7.) Decrease Chances of Developing Degenerative Diseases
Last but not least, the build-up of acid wastes in the body (or Acidosis) is the underlying cause of almost all known degenerative diseases including (but not limited to); diabetes, obesity, liver disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, premature aging, hormonal imbalances, osteoporosis and even most cancers.
Degenerative diseases thrive in acidic environments, so by removing their preferred environment you can deprive them of their ability to multiply or even to take hold at all.
What Can You Do?
If you are truly interested in maintaining your health, or in reversing any health issues you may have, there is one step you can take right now, and that is to commit to an alkaline diet. By choosing to eat alkaline foods (fresh and raw vegetables, salads, alkaline fruits, seeds, nuts) and drinking alkaline water, you can rid your body of years worth of accumulated acidic wastes and turn back the hands of time.
The Alkaline Diet Network is dedicated to enlightening the American public as to the benefits of an acid alkaline diet high in alkaline-rich foods and water in order to promote optimum health. For more information visit
That is why on some Alkaline Foods List high sugar fruits are listed as alkaline. Bananas for instance are high in the alkaline mineral potassium, BUT they are also 25% sugar which makes them very acidifying when we consume them.