Over Fatigue is becoming a part of our everyday life. We blame it on many things; increased workloads, longer working hours, longer commutes and, not incidentally, on the increased stress brought about by all of these things. But did we ever consider that what we are eating may play a distinct role in our collective exhaustion?
In order to understand the difference of alkalinity and acidity we must first define what alkali is. Alkalis are best known for being bases that dissolve in water. These salts have a pH of greater than 7.0 and easily dissolve in water. While acidic is derived from an acid; a chemical mixture which has a pH of less than 7.0 and, when it’s dissolved in water, it produces a compound with a high hydrogen ion activity.
Lets take into account that what we metabolize produces either of the two (alkaline or acidic) bases in our body, and the fact that if the body gets pH level between 7.33 and 7.4 its up for the optimum performance. Therefore, it makes sense that a diet based on alkaline foods is the best choice if we’re looking to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, consider the fact that the human body is composed of roughly Seventy Five Percent water.
Acidic bases in water usually leave an acidic residue that can make the body function slower causing tired feeling and occasionally shut down altogether. Unlike Alkaline bases which dissolves and easily absorbed by water. Also, if the body’s pH goes too far below 7.0 (acidic) the body will find a way to defy it. The body will make use from internal alkalinity foundation. It gets minerals such as potassium, magnesium or calcium which it will extract from the bones. This process is the key causes of osteoporosis or depletion of calcium. Furthermore, eating highly acidic food can also cause Plaque. Plaque can take the form of plaque on the teeth.
High acid levels have been shown to encourage the growth of bacterial, viral or even fungal infections, all things that we could easily keep under control if we were to maintain the optimum pH balance. Bearing all of these in mind, we will find alkaline diet to be absolutely reasonable; the only thing is that the average diet that we are accustomed to produces high levels of acid. This is the kind of diet that we are familiar with and which will be challenging to overcome, but once we get accustomed to it, has proven to improve our overall health.
Lesser consumption of acidic foods and eating more alkaline-rich foods are the main ways to improve pH balance. The best key is of course to do both of these ways till the body maintains the best pH balance. But first things first, we need to check and know our up to date pH balance. A person can measure the pH balance by buying urine or saliva test strips from most drug stores. Remember, you are aiming for a pH balance between 7.33 and 7.4. High alkaline foods include things like most all vegetables and fruits, non-dairy and non-meat proteins and drinks such as herbal or green tea. Whereas, almost all grains, sweeteners, alcoholic drinks, butter, cheese and meats are high acidic based foods.
Nowadays, even tap water is not completely immune to the tendency towards acidity. It is due to the additives that are put into the water to make is safe for drinking. Ingesting ionized water that is made by water ionizers such as Chanson water has been proven to turn pH level water to a more alkaline level.
Even if we engage our body to years of acid abuse causing increased infections and chronic fatigue, the good news is that we can undo the harm back by optimizing our body’s pH balance. We just have to work on bringing our pH balance into the right levels.
For the complete and related articles about Alkaline Diet, please visit Alkaline Diet Network.
Alkaline diet plans are easy to follow as they go back to a simpler time, therefore there are no complicated recipes to follow or weird foods to purchase. You will not find much on the suggested Alkaline Foods list that is not available at your local grocers; the hardest part will be foregoing the convenient foods we have all become accustomed to eating.