Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Importance of Alkaline Diet

Chronic fatigue is usually the fruit of a stressful life brought about by the fast paced society that we are living in. We often disregard the small things such as the food we it to play an important role in our exhaustion.

How Acidity and Alkalinity affect our body?

In order to understand the difference of alkalinity and acidity we must first define what they are. An alkali is the ionic salt of an alkaline earth metal or element. This salt liquefies in water fast. On the contrary, acidic is a word derived from acid; a class of water-soluble compounds, having sour taste, that turn blue litmus red, and react with some metals to liberate hydrogen, and with bases to form salts.

When we consider the fact that what we eat or consume produces either alkaline or acidic bases into the bloodstream, and the knowledge that the human body gets best performance at a pH level between 7.33 and 7.4, it is factual to state that a diet that leans to alkaline food makes the most sense when we are looking to improve our health. If that is not enough, consider the fact that the human body is composed of roughly 75% water.

Unlike acidic bases which break down in water and leave what is known as an acidic residue which can build up and eventually cause bodily functions to slow down, alkaline bases dissolve easily in, and are easily absorbed by water. Also, if the body’s pH goes too far below 7.0 (acidic) the body will find a way to defy it. The body borrows from internal organs that are alkalinity sources, such as the bones where it can draw minerals such as calcium, magnesium or potassium. This process is the key causes of osteoporosis or depletion of calcium. Plaque is another disease that can cause by consuming acidic foods. Plaque can take the form of plaque in the arteries, which is a primary contributor to heart attack.

Not mentioning the major concerns like heart disease, it has been reported that high acid levels can attract the growth of viral infections, all things that we could easily keep under control if we were to maintain the pH balance. Keeping all of this in mind, an alkaline diet may sound perfectly reasonable, but there is just one major problem; the average diet of western society produces high levels of acid. This is the kind of diet that we are familiar with and which will be challenging to overcome, but once we get accustomed to it, has proven to improve our overall health.

What makes up an Alkaline Diet?
Reducing the consumption of acidic foods and eating more alkaline-rich food are the main ways to improve the pH balance. The optimum solution is of course to do both until your body has maintained the optimum pH balance. But first things first, we need to check and know our up to date pH balance. This is easy enough to do by purchasing urine or saliva test strips at most of the drug stores. You should be aiming for a pH balance between 7.33 and 7.4. Vegetables and fruits, non-dairy and non-meat proteins (with the exception of cottage cheese, chicken breasts and eggs) and drinks such as koumbacha, herbal or green tea are considered as High Alkaline foods. While alcoholic drinks, grains, meats cheeses, alcoholic drinks and sugars are highly acidic foods.

Because of the additives that are placed in water to make it safe for drinking, even tap water is not safe to become acidic. Water ionizers, like the one developed by Chanson Water has been used to improve the pH level and alkaline level of the water that we drink.

Even if we engaged our body to years of acid abuse causing increased infections and chronic fatigue, the good news is that we can undo the harm back by optimizing our body’s pH balance. We just have to work on bringing our pH balance into the right levels.

To get the latest tips about Alkaline Diet, visit

1 comment:

  1. But to eat alkaline foods we must know what the various foods in the Alkaline Foods List are. By consuming these alkalizing foods we will be able to carve our road to good health and a long life.
